This is a boring time of the year. The summer comes to an end; the weather gets windier and wetter, and leaves start falling off trees. But also because it’s the party conference season, that costly exercise in self-adulation to which we are subjected every year. True, sometimes murmurings of discontent enliven things a little and things being said at fringe events may add further spice. Nevertheless, my opinion- shared by countless fellow Britons- is that these are boring events. The parties are, of course, independent entities that can organise whatever event they want. My objection is to the inordinate media attention they get.
Having said that, this year’s Labour conference will be interesting, coming against the backdrop of the Iraq war, the worsening security situation there and the failure to find the elusive WMD. For Blair, the passionate pleas about the dangers of WMD before the war now look disingenuous. The war in Iraq was essentially Blair’s war. Grassroots labour never supported it and some of that discontent will pour out at the conference.
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