Tuesday, January 3

The British Mirpuri condition…

I want to start a series of blog entries on the condition of British Mirpuris (BM). That is not to suggest that there is anything extraordinary about BM, just that as an insider I am well placed to comment. In addition, the way the character of an essentially rural people- sniggered at for their ‘goatherd mentality’ by city-dwelling Pakistanis- has changed in the UK is fascinating.

Any suggestions on issues that should be covered would be most welcome.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t like to generalize all Mirpuris, but the one I come as cross, is a very calculating and money minded, tradional although bought up in UK, well placed and educated. He is a compulsive liar. What he told me about Mirpuris was very disgusting although he himself is a mirpuri. His behaviour has left very low impression and little respect for him and his people

Anonymous said...
