Monday, August 7

Can a computer programme cure depression?

A computer based cognitive-behavioural therapy programme is being trialled in the north of England for the treatment of depression. If the results are positive, then this could be a major breakthrough in getting people off drugs. With drugs, even if they cure or minimise the symptoms, they have other undesirable side-effects.

It will be interesting to see the results of the trial. In my opinion, anything that interests and occupies the mind can have a therapeutic effect for treating mild depression. I often feel symptoms that can certainly be described as mild depression. Yet I feel a lot better after an interesting read or by listening to music or even aimlessly surfing the net. We need to unburden ourselves by doing things that make us feel relaxed, that we can do for their own sake rather than as instruments for achieving other ends.

That’s partly why I am sceptical about the computer programme. It requires discipline, sitting behind a computer and rigidly- and nervously- following the instructions. It requires focusing on the problems. In my opinion, diversionary tactics work the best.

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