Saturday, November 22

BNP member list

This week saw considerable controversey about the release of the personal details of BNP members. Some people could hardly contain their glee, arguing that members of other parties do not hide themselves. Others argued that BNP members have rights too. Although Labour or Tory members do not need to hide, there would be an outcry if their personal details were published online. I agree with the latter view.

The list itself, easily available, contains 12801 entries. I am sure there must be social scientists somewhere analysing the data, though there isn't much to go on, apart from personal details. I suppose it does help in identifying the national distribution of members.

Of the 12801 entries, roughly 2400 are female (18.7%). 40 have the title of Dr before their names; 5 are reverends. There are even afew lords, ladies and knights, though I do not know if these titles are geniune. My own city, Birmingham, has around 220 members, including some who are from predominantly Pakistani/ Asian areas. Most of the members are from what could be called deprived areas, though there are several from more affluent areas.

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