Tuesday, May 5

A touch uncomfortable

The sun is out and the streets of Birmingham are buzzing again with shoppers from all over the UK. This year I have noticed two things that make me uncomfortable; they are not new but just a little more accentuated this year.

Walk down, for example Stratford Road or Alum Rock Road, and note how purely religious hyms, verses and poetry are being blasted from cd players. Now in a multicultural and mutli-religious society this makes me uncomfortable, the idea of imposing your religion in this vociferous manner. By its very nature, religion is exclusive.

A word also about fund raisers. Those who give up their weekends to raise funds for the less fortunate of the world are admirable. What makes me uncomfortable is reference to the religion of those whose suffering is the subject of the fund raising. What difference should it make if the suffering are Muslim, Christian, etc. The purpose is to relieve suffering. Period.

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