Wednesday, March 10

Rise of rationality

Homeopathy is going out of favour (in official circles). Whether this is because rationality is on the up, or because financial woes mean we have to make choices, I am not sure. The term 'alternative medicine' includes a whole range of techniques, from the ridiculous to the plausible and effective (for some conditions). Homeopathy falls on the ridiculous side of the scale. It is based on incorrect premises - that like cures like and repeated dilution, to the point where what remains is 100% water, increases potency. Based on this logic, forgetting to take your homeopathic tablet is tantamount to overdosing!

That doesn't mean people will stop taking alternative medicine;it remains as popular as ever.

In our Mirpuri community, alternative medicine is very common. It can include anything from herbal concoctions to spiritual incantations. The latter might include reciting something x times. This is fine, but, in my opinion, it is something that should not be paid for. Prayer is free and we should not fall into the trap of paying spiritual healers.

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